Thursday 19 May 2016

my amazing-make-my-legs-look-incredibly-thin-but-make-me-tower-over-everyone-so-i-don't-wear-them shoes

My story behind these shoes and many shoes that are sitting my cupboard is that I buy shoes that I absolutely looooooove. I can't not have them so I buy them and they sit in my cupboard. Every now and then I take them out, try them on and tell Simon "how much I love them" but end up putting them back in the cupboard where they remain till the next try on. 
One of the reasons why I don't wear these shoes or any of my other high heels is because I have no where to wear them. I am not going to wear them to the park or to go shopping. And as my son is not sleep trained Simon and I have not been going out much. I could wear them to synagogue but I am not mad. We have a 20 minute walk to synagogue and if you have been to Jerusalem you know that you have to always walk up hill to get anywhere so NO I am not going to kill myself by earing them to shul (means synagogue).
And also if I did have a reason to wear them I wouldn't because I tower over everyone and it makes me feel uncomfortable and then I look uncomfortable. I made a big msitake at the last party I went to as I decided I would wear my beautiful Office high heeled peep-toes and now there are pictures of me where I look absolutely horrible. There are family group pictures where I am taller than everyone else. It looks terrible. No woman wants to be the tallest person at a party- yes okay I was not the tallest at the party but I was one of them. 
Everyone always says how lucky I am that I am tall and bla bla bla. I always wanted to be short and thin. Delicate, petite, dainty. 
But one should never say that out loud because all you will hear is "you are ridiculous. You should be happy that you are tall.". But it isn't better to be tall. Especially if you can not wear the shoes your heart desires. 

So here are one of my amazing-make-my-legs-look-incredibly-thin-but-make-me-tower-over-everyone-so-i-don't-wear-them shoes 

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